DIY SUMP泵安装 油底壳泵不是许多人花很多时间思考的东西,但事实的事实是他们通常是最重要的家用电器之一in the entire house.

When water seeps into a home’s basement and foundation, which is a common occurrence for many homes during heavy rains or snowmelt, a sump pump is what gets the water back outside for it can cause rot and other catastrophic damage to the house.



  • 如果您的地下室中的水有问题,问题可能是户外排水的一个,而不是缺乏泵。确保你是家庭基金会斜坡周围的景观away从房子里,该排水沟/唐斯排处于良好的工作状态。如果没有清理或泄漏,水可能最终在基础上。清理排水沟碎片是一种更容易处理地下室的水的方法,而不是安装贮槽!
  • Installing a DIY sump pump isn’t the most difficult job in the world, but it’s not something that just anyone can do. If you aren’t experienced with home improvements or handy work of this nature, it’s probably better to leave this to a professional. You don’t want to damage your home’s foundation just because you were trying to save a bit of money in the short term. If at any point in the process you start having doubts or feel you may be in over your head, stop immediately and call a professional contractor.

Installing Your Own DIY Sump Pump



  • 卷尺
  • 挖坑坑的工具(根据您的地下地板而变化)
  • Gravel
  • An electric sump pump kit
  • Sump pump float switch
  • PVC piping (enough to route water sufficiently away from home)
  • Pipe fittings & wrench
  • 混凝土&抹子
  • Hole saw
  • 硅酮密封胶

Step One – Find the Best Location for the Pit


  • 它需要在水收集的区域
  • It needs to be near an outlet (to power the pump)
  • 它需要靠近墙壁,有助于促进外部排水(注意:小心不要在挖掘时击中任何基础基础。这可能导致严重损坏)
  • 它不应该在水或下水道附近的任何地方。如果您不确定在哪里,您可以使用本地建筑码检查。

Step Two – Digging the Sump Pit

一个人的一张旧照片使用jackhammer Once you’ve established the best location for your sump pump, it’s time to dig the sump pit. The size of the pit will be determined by how big your liner is. The hole should be about 6 inches deeper and 10 or so inches wider than your sump liner.

If your basement has a dirt or gravel floor, a simple shovel should do the trick for digging. If you’ve got a concrete floor, however, you may need an electric jackhammer (do not use a gas-powered jackhammer without proper ventilation), or a sledgehammer and a masonry chisel. This can be tough and might be one of the instances where getting a pro is best practice.

第三步 - 放置衬里

Fill the bottom of your new pit with coarse gravel so that the top of your sump liner is level with the floor. Place the liner in the pit on top of the gravel, and fill the space with gravel as well, up to about 5 or six inches below the floor. Next, mix concrete and fell the remaining space around the sump liner.

第四步 - 放置泵


流出管道的水,其速率可以使用来自SMD流体控制的液体流量计测量。欧宝体育登录网址 Step 5 – Run the Discharge Piping Outside


Step 6 – Plug-In and Test the Pump


If it works, congratulations! If not, thefloat switch may need to be replaced,出口可能不起作用,或者可能存在电动机的问题。在测试浮子和出口后,如果泵仍然没有与制造商一起检查。


虽然这是一个基本的本月的过程指南alling a DIY sump pump, it is not intended to be comprehensive, and every job will differ depending on the specifics of your home’s location and construction. Check with your local home improvement store if you have any questions, and hire a contractor if you aren’t certain of your abilities. If you need a sump pump float switch to replace and old one or to build your DIY pump.

Get in touch today!